
The last thing you want to hear is that you are not covered for a loss. We will explain home insurance in easy to understand terms so that you are able to select the best policy for you, your family, and your possessions. At Madzin Insurance Group you are never alone in the claims process. As your local agency, we stick with you each step of the way. Give us a call today to get your insurance shopping started.


You must protect all your belongings as best you can. Renters insurance is an affordable option to do so. Madzin Insurance Group will review your coverage needs and find you the best policy to protect your most important valuables. Call us today to get your policy started.


Condo insurance differs from a homeowner policy. Madzin Insurance will make sure your condo and your personal belongings are protected. Unsure of what you need, no worries. We are here to assist you through every step and answer all your questions. Call now.


Your investment properties need to be insured. A Landlord policy does just that. Madzin Insurance will help you figure out the right policy for your needs. You may want to add an umbrella policy for even more protection. Contact us today. We will guide you through all the steps so you are properly protected.


Did you know that most Pennsylvania homeowner policies do not protect you from flood damage? At Madzin Insurance Group we will find you the proper flood insurance and simply explain how your policy works. Give us a call today to discuss your protection against flood losses.